Friday, February 13, 2009

A Quick Update

I don't have much time at the moment, but want to update you on something exciting. We just got our acceptance letter by email for China's Waiting Child program. That is one more detail which is in God's hands and is another step closer to finding out which precious little angel God has waiting for us in China. There are so many details to take care of in the months ahead, but we are confident that this process will happen in God's perfect timing. David is going today to have our fire extinquisher checked to see if it is still good before we have a fire inspection. We are praying that everything will be ready to submit our homestudy for review within a few weeks. Please pray with us as we open our hearts and minds to which age and special need God desires for us. One thing I do know for certain today:

God is good all the time
All the time God is good!


Unknown said...

God is so good Suzette! I will be praying for your family in the months to come and anxiously awaiting good news along with you! You are a blessing!


Beth said...

He will direct you to the perfect child for your family. Even in the midst of my stubbornness, He waited and moved my heart to the exact time He needed. Our daughter, was referred to us the next day. Like you said, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!! Praying right along with ya'll for the next Jones'
