Saturday, March 13, 2010

Love them like Jesus

I just added two songs to my music list at the bottom of my page. One of them I was looking for because I love the message, "There are no Orphans of God", and the other I found accidentally, "Love them Like Jesus, by Casting Crowns." This last song, however, I know was no accident, as there are no accidents with God. The lyrics are beautiful and I hope you will take time to listen. It really spoke to my heart because it seems lately, that I have had a lot of questions and very few answers. This timing of our adoption has become a big concern and I have to continually pray that God KNOWS the perfect timing and He alone will work out all of the details. The longer we wait the closer we get to prom, graduation and all of the activites that go with a senior in high school. However, all we have been called to do is follow Him and that means I must "LOVE THEM LIKE JESUS" and allow Him to handle the details. I know that God knows the desires of our heart and He will work it all out. Your prayers for the perfect timing and for my anxiety are greatly appreciated.

How can you love a child so much and yet you have never met them? I was blessed beyond measure this week to visit a yahoo group that I am apart of and see pictures of our baby girl at her orphanage with her friends. Another mom that recently adopted an older child had some pictures posted. I scanned EVERY single picture carefully trying to see if our little one was in any of them. It didn't take long to pick her out in a crowd.

(She's in the top right hand corner, holding up her little hands)

The funny part though was the next picture. The other mom asked me if it was ours little girl and I said "no," because the one in the picture was too old. Come to find out, that was the other mom's child and our little one is sitting right beside her. This picture was taken a couple of years ago. Aren't they both precious?

(Thank you, Suzanne, for a glimpse into my baby girl's life. So glad she shared it with such a sweet girl!)

I can't believe I missed her, but I thought it was a current picture and it was really a few years old. As each of us in the family studied the picture, the first thing we each noticed was the tear in her eye. It brought tears to my heart wondering if anyone was there during those years to dry her tears. My heart breaks for the orphans of the world that will never know the love of a family. That certainly doesn't mean our family is perfect and we aren't always overflowing with a sugary coated love, but we are there for each other through thick and thin and there is always someone with whom we can share our laughter and tears.

What a joy to know that there are no orphans with God! Do you love them like Jesus? We are each called to do just that. I am amazed at how many scriptures in the Word command us to love the fatherless and orphans. How are you doing that? It isn't a suggestion in the Word, but a command. Does that mean everyone has to adopt? No, but if we follow His command, we all must LOVE them in some way or another. What does that look like for you?

I will leave you with a few of the moments we have shared recently.
Fun in the snow

Lest I forget to share, my beautiful son/daughter dressed for a student fundraiser
benefiting, SADD. We shared many laughs that night!Like father, like son! Happy birthday to some of my favorite guys!

This is the smile that has been capturing my heart for 23 years!
Nannie, Mimi and Claire, from the oldest girl in the family to the youngest.Tia with her beautiful dresses waiting to share with her little sister
Thanks to Mimi!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I love this post and your obvious heart for the orphan! I hope you are with you little sweetie soon! Our Darcy just turned three last week, five days after we got home with her. We have a long road to go on language, but picking up the basic signs to let me know when she is hungry, thirsty, or wants more is HUGE! We used about 10 signs with all three of our kids as they learned to speak and it helped out so much.