Sunday, April 26, 2009


What is Fear? Dave Ramsey says it is:

False Evidence Appearing Real

I loved this definition, because it is so true. Isn't it true that so many of the things we fear never actually come to pass? Satan has tried so hard to throw fear our way recently, but God has been SO faithful in His provisions and protection.
*For the past few weeks we have been having plumbing issues and the fear of what this is going to involve has been a struggle and a financial concern. Yesterday we were blessed by a wonderful plumber that is a Godly man and has been a huge help to us. Thank you, Joe! Please pray as we are still dealing with this issue and it is a very real struggle!
*Last week we feared what injuries Brandon had received in the wreck and God protected him.

* Just last night the home behind ours burned to the ground. As the fire got closer I feared the fire might come the way of our home. God's hand of protection was with us and we pray He will provide for the family who lost their home.
*We often fear how we will pay for this adoption, but we know that "if God leads us to it, He will see us through it!"

Here's what our Heavenly Father says about fear:

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 (New King James Version)

Our wonderful pastor reminded us tonight that Psalm 46:2 says, "Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."
Isn't it amazing how God speaks to us when He knows what is going through our mind?

I would love to hear from you, my bloggy friends, on how God has provided for your needs during a time of fear. I cherish your comments!


Bonnie said...

You do not know me dear sister in Christ, but I am a friend of Tina Winders. Your post on fear caught my eye, since fear seems to be knocking at the door of my heart a lot these days! I LOVE the definition D. Ramsey gives fear--how totally perfect! As I wait on him for the results of a bone scan(to rule out breast cancer metastisis) I am going to hold fast to the Word of God!
Thank you so very much,
Bonnie Zowada

cjevans said...

We have been so scared about Chad's mom and her rapidly advancing cancer, and we just got a great report! God does answer prayers, and it's so wonderful to know that we have nothing to fear no matter what comes our way. Love you girl!

Jean said...

Oh yes- Hubby has not been feeling well for the last week or longer- Last night I started worrying big time. I am a nurse and I can have some larger than average medical ideas sometimes. I won't even tell you what I thought his diagnosis was- thankfully this morning he revealed more symptoms and we now know he has 2 abcessed teeth. He is miserable but there was no need to worry like I did.

I love the verses you quoted and you post!
Trust our Lord and find comfort in him!