I hope the following song, will minister to you in the same way it did to me. As we were leaving for the cardiologist this morning, our Christian radio station began playing the Cinderella song, by Steven Curtis Chapman. I love this song, but it was not a song I needed to hear at that moment. The lyrics allowed fear to absorb me as I thought about the idea of our little angels heart and how she could possibly be taken away from us. Just as Satan was attempting to consume me with that fear, the next song began to play on the radio. Only God could have orchestrated this totally perfect song at this perfect moment. The first words I heard sung were, "the same hands that hold the world are holding your heart." The idea that the same hands that hold the world are holding our daughter's heart was the MOST comforting thing for my own heart. Please take a moment to listen to this beautiful song and remember that He holds your heart also if you are His child.
(don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page and turn off the sound)
After a long ride to the cardiologist for our little girl who seems to be getting carsick easily we feel better to have some details on what our future holds. I am so grateful to my mom and sister-in-law for going with me today and helping me listen to the Dr. and entertain our little busybody. Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we prepare for heart surgery in the coming months. We feel much better to know that while this is certainly the plan, it is not something we have to rush into. We will be getting dental work done first and then a heart cath will give us any other information we need in the coming months. I will update more as time draws closer.
(don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page and turn off the sound)
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Gen. 50:20
After a long ride to the cardiologist for our little girl who seems to be getting carsick easily we feel better to have some details on what our future holds. I am so grateful to my mom and sister-in-law for going with me today and helping me listen to the Dr. and entertain our little busybody. Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we prepare for heart surgery in the coming months. We feel much better to know that while this is certainly the plan, it is not something we have to rush into. We will be getting dental work done first and then a heart cath will give us any other information we need in the coming months. I will update more as time draws closer.
The Greenes will be praying! Hope we can get together for a playdate soon!
We are an AWAA family that is waiting on LOA for our son in Wenzhou Zhejiang. Would love to chat about your time in Hangzhou - and a few specific questions, ha! When you have time. :) matt.heather@cox.net
I will also be praying! Thanks for allowing us to follow along! :)
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